Looking to elevate your Roblox gameplay? We present the Fisch: Auto Shake, Auto Reel, Auto Cast Script, one of the most powerful scripts designed to enhance your fishing experience in Roblox games. Compatible with multiple executors such as Delta, Fluxus, Codex, Cryptic, Krnl, and more, this script offers seamless integration and ease of use.

Blox Fruits is one of the most popular Roblox games enjoyed by players worldwide, offering exciting combat, exploration, and unique abilities. With the Fisch Script, you can unlock hidden features and streamline your fishing gameplay to make it more enjoyable and efficient.
What is Roblox Script?
Roblox scripts are custom programs designed to perform tasks and unlock features that aren’t possible through normal gameplay, such as:
- Automating fishing and other in-game activities.
- Unlocking unique tools, abilities, or powers.
- Enhancing your gameplay with teleportation, long jumps, or other special actions.
Get ready to optimize your Blox Fruits or other Roblox adventures with the Fisch: Auto Shake, Auto Reel, Auto Cast Script! Enjoy a more efficient and enjoyable gaming experience today!
Copy Fisch: Fisch: Auto Shake, Auto Reel, Auto Cast Script
while wait(0.1) do
for i, v in next, game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren() do
if v~= game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer and not v.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass("ForceField") and v.Character.Humanoid.Health > 0 then
while v.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Health > 0 do
game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame;
for x, c in next, game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren() do
if c ~= game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer then game.ReplicatedStorage.meleeEvent:FireServer(c) end
- Auto Shake: Automatically shakes the fishing rod for perfect control.
- Auto Reel: Reels in your catch automatically for a smoother fishing experience.
- Auto Cast: Cast your fishing rod effortlessly without having to manually do it.
How to Use Roblox Script
- Copy Fisch: Auto Shake, Auto Reel, Auto Cast Script the from above button.
- Download a Roblox executor such as Delta, Fluxus, Codex, Krnl, or Xeno.
- Install the chosen Roblox executor and open the Roblox application.
- Navigate to the executor’s script section, insert the script, and press the execute button to activate it.